Chatbots Black Friday with ChatMetrics

Oleksandr Gamaniuk
1 min readNov 25, 2016


All of us love Black Friday. It’s a great chance to get something cool without spending too much.

We decided to give a 6 month subscription for ChatMetrics for just $0.99 per month*.

Fill out the form to apply for the Black Friday deal.

*Please note your chatbot(s) should process let than 100k messages per month. If you exceed the limit we might ask you to upgrade.

Happy Black Friday!

ChatMetrics is a MailChimp + Intercom for chatbots. The platform allows improving retention and increasing the number of active users by sending targeted notifications to bot’s users.

If you care about your users (we hope you do) and don’t want them to leave the bot after 1–2 sessions sign up for ChatMetrics and start engaging the users.

